Our Services - Neck Pain
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The Neck and Back Institute of Florida
Questions and answers about neck pain and treatments.
When you need long-term relief of chronic neck pain, the medical team at The Neck and Back Institute of Florida can help. Experienced spine surgeon Aaron Creek, MD, offers comprehensive diagnostic testing and treatment options for chronic neck pain. Dr. Creek is skilled in minimally invasive surgical techniques that address the root cause of your pain and improve your cervical spine health.
Get in touch with us today to book an appointment.
Acute neck pain can be caused by muscle strains or overuse, typically resolving with home care within a few days.
If you have chronic neck pain, you may have an underlying medical condition or damage to the discs in the upper, or cervical, part of your spine.
You may develop chronic neck pain because of conditions like:
Herniated disc
Nerve compression
Degenerative disc disease is also a common cause of chronic neck pain and develops due to age-related changes in the protective discs of your spine.
During your evaluation for neck pain, Dr. Creek reviews your personal and family medical history. He also physically examines your neck, checking for signs of inflammation, tenderness, and pain. Dr. Creek may ask you to perform certain movements to evaluate the range of motion and flexibility in your neck.
To pinpoint the root cause of your chronic neck pain, you may need imaging tests, like X-rays or an MRI, that allow Dr. Creek to get a better look at the inner structures of your cervical spine.
Once he understands your condition, Dr. Creek creates a custom treatment plan that focuses on short-term and long-term pain relief and improving the overall function of your neck.
If you can’t find relief from chronic neck pain with over-the-counter medications or physical therapy, Dr. Creek can determine if surgery may be an option for your treatment.
Dr. Creek is skilled in several minimally invasive surgical techniques to address the root cause of chronic neck pain. If you have pain from compression on the spinal nerves, you may benefit from a discectomy, a decompression surgery where Dr. Creek removes damaged discs or portions of the vertebrae pressing on the nerves.
If you have degenerative disc disease, you may also need fusion surgery that involves the removal of damaged discs and an application of medical cement to stabilize your spine.
Following surgery, you may need physical therapy to strengthen the muscles that support your spine and help you regain function and range of motion in your neck and back.